This study investigates the effectiveness of the Word Venture method in enhancing vocabulary usage among fourth-grade elementary school students in Indonesia. With a focus on innovative and engagin…
The lack of an optimal learning process is because the teacher does not understand the characteristics of children with special needs and does not find appropriate learning media design. This study…
TikTok is a popular social media platform among students, with short video features that attract users' attention. This research aims to explore and find out how students experience utilizing the T…
Penelitian ini berdasarkan keingintahuan peneliti terhadapa emosi siswa saat belajar kosakata Bahasa Inggris menggunakan vocard media. Emosi menjadi salah satu hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan d…
Anak-anak usia dini di Indonesia telah mulai diperkenalkan dengan bahasa Inggris di tingkat taman kanak-kanak, meskipun belum ada standar pengajaran bahasa Inggris di taman kanak-kanak. Oleh karena…
Discovery learning is a learning model in which students are allowed to explore concepts, meanings, and relationships through an intuitive process to draw conclusions. In this study, the researcher…
Teaching a second language to young learners is not an easy job. Teachers must have strategies and ways to encourage their interest in learning English, one of which is by using video animation as …
This research aims to examine students who learn English through digital methods with an Informal Digital approach with the strategy of watching movies with Netflix. Researcher will focus on studyi…
This study aims to describe how the Harvest Moon game assists students' vocabulary learning by incidental learning and what are the difficulties when playing Harvest Moon. This research uses qualit…
Learning vocabulary is a first step and an important part of learning a foreign language. This study describes how visual imagery as teaching strategy can promote English Language vocabulary to you…