This study aims to explore English language students' experiences of integrating digital multimodal resources through a photovoice approach. The photovoice method is used as a tool to empower resea…
A feature is a software, tool, or element in a system designed to provide benefits or convenience to users. One of them is the CC (Close Caption) feature. The purpose of this study is to find out s…
Kemampuan berbicara memainkan peran penting dalam konteks pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Asing (EFL), namun banyak pembelajar EFL menghadapi tantangan dalam berbicara, terutama kecemasa…
Pronunciation is a part of speaking skills that has an important role. Pronouncingwords correctly makes the conversation go well and is easy to understand. However, in Indonesia, pronunciation has …
Social media gives several opportunities for students to improve their English language skills. This study aimed to report university students experience during learning English use Twitter as a …
Public speaking was the process of delivering or performing a message in a big group. To support public speaking, the students need self-confidence. Self-confidence is defined as a belief in their …
The aim of this study is to present a summary and an overview of students’ experience using WhatsApp Group as a learning tool during Covid-19 pandemic based on Gregory’s theory by using narrati…
Instagram has become one of the fascinating learning media for students to use in learning English. Instagram has been accessed by users everywhere and anytime. Many previous studies on Instagram a…