Kata Kunci: Model RBL (Resorce Based Learning), Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis. Resource based learning merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran yang berlandaskan pada dimensi konstruktivism…
Kata kunci : Smart School, Blended Learning, Prestasi Belajar Pembelajaran daring dilaksanakan sejak adanya pandemi Covid-19. Adanya pembelajaran jarak jauh mengakibatkan banyak peserta didik yang…
The popularization of mobile devices and the Web 2.0 technology provide incredible chances for diverse social media applications to play significant roles in today’s society. With the development…
Social media gives several opportunities for students to improve their English language skills. This study aimed to report university students experience during learning English use Twitter as a …
This reflective case study is based on a lecturer strategy in teaching online English Debate Course as an online instructional approach. Through direct interviews with one of the lecturers on the E…
The aim of this study is to present a summary and an overview of students’ experience using WhatsApp Group as a learning tool during Covid-19 pandemic based on Gregory’s theory by using narrati…
In online learning, students often switch and mix codes, Indonesian-English or English Indonesian, in expressing their idea. This study aims to explore why students use code-switching and code-mixi…
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changing impacts on our life, especially in the education world. In these conditions, schools and teachers have to move to distance learning through online cl…
In an online discussion, WhatsApp Group is used as a learning tool. This study aims to explore how the communication patterns between the lecturer and students in online discussion using WhatsApp G…
Belajar kosakata bahasa Inggris merupakan hal penting yang harus dipelajari dan diperhatikan. Oleh karena itu, guru harus memiliki strategi yang baik dalam mengajarkan kosakata. Di tengah pandemi…