The world of reading currently occupies a vital role in human life, especially in the information and communication era. The issue of the low reading ability of the Indonesian people is not just a …
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi banyaknya siswa yang kurang bisa dalam membaca Al-Qur‟an pada pembelajaran Al-Qur‟an hadist dikarenakan strategi yang kurang pas dalam proses pembelajara. Hal i…
A teaching strategy can be defined as a plan containing a series of activities designed to achieve certain educational goals. Teaching reading aims to increase students' reading aloud. This researc…
Extensive reading is one of the techniques in foreign languages by reading something that students like without coercion or demands. the important thing about extensive reading is reading by adjust…
Manga comics are one of the reading media that can keep readers entertained. In the education aspect, manga comics also have a role that can help students train their reading skills or serve as a l…
Multimodal is often used in reading texts in Junior High School now. The purpose of this study is to explore the stories of students’ feelings in reading comprehension durin…
One of the abilities that need to be taught in classrooms is reading ability. Based on researcher’s teaching practice experience, tenth-grade students mostly have difficulties in identifying the …
Technology has an important role in the world of education nowdays. It brings new innovations in the form of print books to electronic books that are widely used today. Based on this case, the main…
Pronunciation is one of the essential things in learning English. Learners must know how to pronounce every word, so others understand what they are talking about. Reading aloud strategies help s…
Reading is one of the skills in English that must be mastered by students. In reading, several techniques can be used by students to find out the intent that is in the reading text. Some of these t…