kata kunci: Strategi Ekspositori, Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti, Digital Learning, Pandemi. Strategi pembelajaran Ekspositori adalah strategi pembelajaran yang sering dilaksanakan dalam…
Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Agama Islam, Implementasi Strategi Active Learning Pendidikan adalah hal yang sangat penting bagi setiap individu, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan. Pendidikan bis…
Kata Kunci: E-learning Whatsapp, Hasil Belajar, dan Akidah Akhlak. E-learning whatsapp merupakan pembelajaran melalui aplikasi smartphone dengan basic mirip blackberry messenger. Penerapan e-learn…
Al-Qur’an dan Hadist merupakan pedoman hidup umat Islam. Jadi sudah sewajarnya jika kita wajib mempelajari kedua pedoman tersebut. Begitupun peserta didik di Sekolah Dasar. Pembelajaran Al-Qur’…
The use of U-Dictionary application in the English process is an example of technology support in the learning process. This study aimed to investigate students’ perceptions of the use of U-Dicti…
Distance learning is popular teaching approach in COVID-19 pandemic period. This approach becomes popular because it focuses on two purposes, education, and health in society such as teachers, sc…
This study aims explored how students use and respond to the use of WhatsApp as a media in public speaking class. This study was qualitative study used narrative inquiry as the research design. I…
English is a global language and vital in many fields, including technology, science, entertainment, business, and education. In addition, English is used in Indonesian education. Teaching Englis…
Corona Virus that happened in 2019 has changed the entire human life activity around the world, including educational activity in Indonesia. The face-to-face learning system has been turned into an…
Google Classroom is an application that makes it easy for teachers and students to do online learning, and one of the features presented in Google Classroom is the assignment feature. This study ai…