The Importance of The English Learning Process Using an E-Learning Platform
Online-based learning is one of the resources used in the learning process during the pandemic. Because of current educational issues, there are media such as E-learning that used to be an alternative to learning. However, the establishment of online learning system certainly creates an obstacle for practitioners and participants in world of education. For this reason, this study aims to review the implementation of online learning, and students' problems and strategies in learning English using the E-learning platform during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research design uses a qualitative approach by using narrative inquiry. The data collection technique was done by semi-structured interviews and documentation, while the data analysis used the thematic analysis of Braun and Clark. The result shows that learning English using E-learning at Senior High School, namely downloading learning material, forums, and exercises. In the implementation of online learning, there are problems faced by students, such as the difficulty in managing time, equipment and technical needs (weak signal, limited quota, inadequate gadgets), lack of explanation of learning material, and listening skills are not effective. Meanwhile, the strategies used by students to overcome problems are time management, free internet data package assistance, utilizing diverse abilities in the learning environment (asking subject teachers via private chat via WhatsApp, asking friends in class groups, peer tutoring, or looking for other reference sources), and learning videos.
Keywords: English learning; E-learning; Covid-19 pandemic.
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