English Teachers' Experiences of Distance Learning in Senior High School: A Narative Inquiry
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changing impacts on our life, especially in the education world. In these conditions, schools and teachers have to move to distance learning through online classes by government regulations that require students to study from home. This research aimed to reveal how senior high school teachers manage learning activities during distance learning due to pandemic and the challenges that they face. This research is a qualitative research of the type of narrative inquiry in which the researcher collects data from semi-structured interviews which aims to obtain information on real experiences from teachers during learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research involved 2 teachers as informants from a senior high school in the Pekalongan city. The result of this research showed that: (1) distance learning has a complex impact on students and teachers, teachers use more interesting creativity to create a less stressful environment for distance learning. Teachers must also be able to stimulate students' interest in the learning provided and use a variety of media and learning materials. Besides that, to implement the distance learning model, the teacher uses various types of applications, including Whatsapp, Google Meet, Facebook, and Zoom Meeting. (2) There are several obstacles in its implementation, such as frequent internet use, increasing the burden of spending on parents for the cost of purchasing internet quotas, as well as the support provided by schools and the government. Besides that, unstable internet networks in some areas and a lack of enthusiasm on the part of students. To overcome this, participants usually summarize the subject matter presented so that students can receive their lessons in a shorter time. The finding of this research is expected to develop distance learning in English subject from teachers’ experience.
Keywords: Teachers’ experience; Distance learning; COVID-19.
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