Writing is one of the skills that students have when learning English. Grammar errors are one of the challenges students face when asked to write a text. This research was conducted to find out the…
Speaking skill is crucial for young learners, requiring correct pronunciation, intonation patterns, and connected speech. English songs can be an enjoyable method for teaching vocabulary and pron…
The world of reading currently occupies a vital role in human life, especially in the information and communication era. The issue of the low reading ability of the Indonesian people is not just a …
The study aims to explore the perception of students studying English tenses at an Islamic boarding school, using photovoice approaches as qualitative strategies and methods. Photovoice enables stu…
Permasalahan kedisiplinan peserta didik merupakan hal penting untuk dipecahkan. rendahnya kedisiplinan pada peserta didik di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah banyak dijumpai seperti siswa datang terlambat, berp…